Immediate manpower.

Staff augmentation

Immediate manpower.


High demand in a company can’t be met by existing technical support and administrative staff.


An EPC engaged in detailed design for several major projects concurrently needs more support staff.


Recruiting suitably qualified personnel can take time, potentially leading to project delays.

Cycles of recruitment and retrenchment negatively affect morale and productivity.


TecSurge OnDemand offers a scalable pricing model directly linked to your application usage, meaning you pay only for what you need, while being able to instantly scale up to match increased demand.


The company stabilises staffing levels while gaining flexibility to meet peaks and troughs in demand.

Case study

A major multinational consultancy, engineering and project management company headquartered in Europe faced project delivery deadlines for several major projects concurrently.

They required additional qualified personnel to support the suite of SmartPlant solutions on these projects, but faced delays in hiring local staff, and so the company contacted TecSurge to provide an alternative.

TecSurge OnDemand allowed the contractor to obtain the required expert help quickly and easily, when and where they need it.

The scalable pricing model of TecSurge OnDemand also ensures that service cost is directly linked to actual project demand.

If you would like to explore OnDemand services for your engineering applications or obtain more information, contact us today for an OnDemand demonstration.

2017 TecSurge OnDemand Staff Augmentation