Outsource and save.

Cost reduction

Outsource and save.


An engineering company wants to reduce costs and release skilled staff from non-productive work.


The company has a full time SmartPlant P&ID administrator, who is only 30% utilised due to low project demand.


Staff with expert software skills are expensive to retain and may not be fully utilised.

Support and administrative tasks can negatively impact higher-value activities for dual-role personnel.


TecSurge OnDemand specialises in user support and system administration, providing leverage through a pool of personnel to deliver quality service at a lower cost than the equivalent full-time staff.


The company reduces costs associated with operating and maintaining engineering systems.

Case study

A joint venture refinery in South East Asia is challenged to reduce overhead costs while maintaining quality work using SPP&ID. Previously system administration was performed by a senior process engineer whose knowledge and expertise is in high demand. The company identified that the time spent on software support was negatively impacting the engineer’s productivity and consequently driving up their cost base.

TecSurge OnDemand allows the company to reduce costs for operating the engineering software by outsourcing the Engineering IT administrative and support activities.

The company now benefits from increased availability and productivity of the senior process engineer and from cost improvements due to the dedicated support of SPP&ID provided by TecSurge.

If you would like to explore OnDemand services for your engineering applications or obtain more information, contact us today for an OnDemand demonstration.

2017 TecSurge OnDemand Cost Reduction