Sq customisation and bespoke development

Customisation and bespoke development


Customise your commercial engineering and design software

TecSurge Service offers you the specialist knowledge and niche technical skills needed to customise your commercial engineering and design software, in order to meet unique project or corporate requirements. We deliver results in a convenient and cost-effective manner, providing you with a practical, efficient and reliable means of enhancing your systems to address your business needs.

TecSurge stands ready to deliver professional software development services to provide a solution where your specific project requirements or innovative ideas may not be addressed by any available commercial software. In addition, for cases where existing, internally developed customisations or bespoke software may be in danger of becoming “orphaned” within your organisation, we urge you to contact us to discuss possibilities for the provision of future support and maintenance services.

The following links are selected examples of our work. The examples do not cover the full range of possibilities in customisation and bespoke development. Please contact us for a free evaluation and discussion of your requirements.