TecSurge Academy
TecSurge Academy provides specialised learning and knowledge transfer for engineering, procurement, and construction applications.
We are pleased to support the current demand and transition to remote learning and working environments with our new Academy courses for a continued learning experience.
Key Benefits
Unlike traditional instructor-led classroom training, TecSurge’s online learning management system (LMS) allows students to study at their own pace from any location with internet connection.
Businesses subscribe to give their staff access to the TecSurge Academy platform, acquire useful participation, and complete metrics to management on demand.
Our LMS provides an uninterrupted, easy-to-use, and secure digital connection to your team. Students have the option to join a biweekly scheduled tutorial session.
We tailor our e-learning materials and platform to solve your challenges on continuous learning and training for engineering, procurement, and construction application.
We leverage ubiquitous access to computing devices and the internet to provide specialised, ready-to-use knowledge to your personnel at the point of immediate demand, enhancing productivity and eliminating training obstacles from your staff induction process.
Scalable and Flexible
Small modules within comprehensive curriculum
TecSurge develops all training material as a series of short, highly focused modules, assembled into a logical, comprehensive curriculum for that course of study. This approach allows your staff to quickly drill into a specific topic of interest to refresh or augment their knowledge, while retaining an overall view of their progress to date.
Available to individuals and businesses
TecSurge Academy is unique in offering access not only to our traditional corporate customers, but also to individual consumers seeking to enhance their skills and professional qualifications.
Businesses engage via a subscription agreement, giving your staff access to the TecSurge Academy platform as and when required, and providing useful participation and completion metrics to management on demand.
As an individual, you may register directly and purchase access to our complete catalogue of learning materials, including the ability to complete assessments and obtain certifications, providing valuable credentials when pursuing employment opportunities.
Tailoring options
The following link is a selected example of our work. Please contact us for a free evaluation and discussion of your requirements.
TecSurge recognises that many of our clients have custom extensions or even entire in-house products and solutions, which have the same end user training requirements as the commercial offerings in our portfolio. We invite the opportunity to work with your specialists to develop the required training material and manage it via our comprehensive platform. This approach delivers significant benefits in the form of providing you with a superior level of management visibility and simplifying knowledge transfer to your new hires, sub-contractors, suppliers, and partners.
Available on demand
Unlike traditional instructor-led classroom training, TecSurge’s online learning management system allows each student to study at their own pace, from any internet-connected location. This approach matches well with the demands of the modern workplace, helping to improve completion rates that might otherwise be interrupted by travel or other business priorities.
In addition, because students can access the subject matter required, at precisely the point in time at which it is most relevant, knowledge retention rates are also significantly improved when compared to a classroom instruction approach.
Broad, professionally produced portfolio
TecSurge is completely independent from the application vendors and suppliers and our training material is therefore neutral and unconstrained by any competitive conflicts of interest. This means you can access training content for all of your engineering applications in one place and can expect the same consistently high-quality experience and production values across our entire portfolio.
Examinations and certifications
TecSurge offers online assessments, quizzes, and examinations as an integral part of the Academy experience. These assessments are designed to provide students with feedback on their comprehension to assist the learning process and provide a basis for formal certifications, which can be utilised by your business as prerequisites for functional roles.
Our independence ensures we can provide a trusted, balanced, and comparable certification for the full range of applications used across the industry.
Training for users by users
TecSurge has years of real-world experience using engineering applications on projects and understands the difference between developing, supporting and applying software. This understanding guides the creation of our Academy material, ensuring we speak your language and explain how to use applications in practice, rather than focussing on the features and functions typical of most vendor-led instruction.
Our learning management system offers students an easy to use, self-service portal, from which you may study Academy material, complete assessments, and quizzes, ask questions and review your progress.
Hosted Academy environment
TecSurge offers students access to a hosted Academy software platform to support the hands-on practice necessary to cement new skills. This optional hosted environment is provided as an alternative to your in-house training environment, giving access to the latest technologies while reducing operational and capital costs.
Transferrable and persistent student history/transcript
Recognising the fact that while people may move from one company to another throughout their careers, their knowledge and skills accumulate, TecSurge Academy provides an option to retain student history and update their corporate affiliation. This feature allows your individual skills to be easily recognised and identified over time, without the need to unnecessarily repeat prior training.